Friday 3 January 2014

Initial Sketches

I began to draw water and fire as to understand the movement of the element more, in a hope to gain more inspiration with the ideas that I had created.
I enjoyed sketching these and taking notice of how the shape of the water moves and how it splashes when something is dropped into it. The book Elemental Magic by Joseph Gilland helped me to gain a better understanding of this fluid movement.

I went back to my earth initial ideas and I fell in love with the concept of a character waking up in a white space, and as the character begins to walk forward the landscape slowly appears and gains colour. I was so inspired that I began to sketch as I wanted to get this character on paper before I started to design anything else. I was more inclined to draw a female character rather than a male as a female character is more delicate and to create this character I felt I needed to try different illustrative styles to compare against as to make a good character for the earth idea.

To further inspire myself, I stopped sketching and created more detailed art as to know for myself whether or not to carry on with the idea. The idea itself has been done before however I wanted to run with this idea as to make myself focus more on the art of the background and create a simple yet delicate and slightly detailed character. After looking at the concept art, I knew I would want to make the earth animation far too detailed in illustrative style so I didn't continue with the idea as it would be too time consuming and the duration of the animation would be longer than 20 seconds.

I then went back to look at the initial ideas and one of the fire ideas just stood out for me. The idea was of a character getting off a school bus and walking the long distance home through the snow and cold wind, and as he opens the door he sees the fire and warms up to it as his parent gives him a hot drink. I felt I could merge both the fire and the air ideas through the use of the freezing wind and the comfort of the fire within the animation. I created concept art for this and I knew I wanted to continue with this. 

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